Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013

I can't believe I forgot these two gems from yesterday!

5th Grade Girl: Do you have a husband?
Me: No.
Girl: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes.
Girl: Have you ever thought about marrying him?
Me: Well we've only been dating for 2 months, so that would be a little bit crazy.
Girl: Yea it would!

3rd Grade Boy: So hace fresco means it's sorta hot and sorta cold?
Me: Yea, like in the Spring or Fall.
Boy: So in this one I can draw him (Rana) in a venom jacket?

First grade one-liners...

Girl: Some pirates have really long hair. I've seen pirates with long hair.

Me: He (Rana) looks like he has chicken pox!
Boy: He painted himself with red polka dotties!

Kindergarten one-liners...

Boy: If you color white that means you can't see it. What's white in Spanish? Oh wait, I know. It's blanco.

Boy: Miss Black, did you know I speak Arabic?

We had one additional kindergartener with us at dismissal time, she's not usually there so I don't have many one-on-one interactions with her...

Girl: Guess what? When I was in my bed, I dreamed that Rana came to my house.
Me: Really?
Girl: Yea, and he was running around saying, "Where are my sunglasses?" And he thought his sunglasses were his pants. And then at breakfast, do you know what he did? Instead of putting his cereal in the milk he put his foot in it.
Me: Oh that Rana sure is silly.
Girl: I know! I was like, you're not supposed to put your foot in it!

At dismissal I noticed a kindergarten boy I'll call M standing with his face pressed against the wall almost like he was dancing...

Me: M, what are you doing?
M: What do you think I'm doing?
Me: Well, it looks like you're dancing with the wall.
Me: Well that's what it looks like.
M: Whatever your boyfriend does, that's what I'm doing.
Me: Oh, you're doing whatever my boyfriend does? He doesn't do that.

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