Monday, March 18, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I've gotten behind on my student quotes post and I don't even feel bad about it because I spent last week celebrating my birthday!

March 12, 2013     A first grade boy discusses my birthday...

Boy: Happy Birthday! Guess what? I didn't get you anything purposely. I knew it was your birthday but I didn't get you anything.
Me: I can't believe it!
Boy: Maybe I could get you something to help teach your class. Like, where do you get the clothes for Rana?
Me: You don't have to get me anything, Sweetie.
Boy: I know what I'm going to get you and it's already at my house. It's my tooth that had the really long root. It's like this long. (He holds up his fingers, apparently the root is about an inch long)
Me: Well, should keep that.
Boy: How about these two wiggly teeth. (He starts wiggling his teeth)
Me: You really don't have to get me anything. Really.

March 13, 2013     A kindergarten girl discovered something...

Girl: Miss Black, do you know Justin Bieber is real? My mom told me.
Me: Yes, I did know that.

March 13, 2013     Jay-Z and I discuss his artwork...

Jay-Z: Miss Black, look! I drew Harriet (the class's new pet guinea pig). Those are echo lines.
Me: Oh, wow. That's a lot of echo lines.
Jay-Z: Yea, she's in a cave of mystery.

March 13, 2013     A fifth grade boy explains the additions he made to his drawing of Rana...

Boy: You know how some people have red in their eyes?
Me: Yea, I guess.
Boy: He just had eye surgery.

March 13, 2013     M explains his current feelings towards the opposite sex...

M: I wish girls were extinct!
Me: You won't always feel that way.

March 14, 2013     A kindergarten girl adds a seasonal touch to her drawing of Rana...

Girl: I'm going to draw the Clover Man.
Me: Do you mean a leprechaun?
Girl: Yes.
Me: That's a great idea!

March 14, 2013     A kindergarten girl brings me a belated birthday present...

Girl: I have a picture!
Me: You have a picture? Cool!
Girl: It's for your birthday.

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