Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19, 2013

The awesomeness started right away today when a first grade boy hopped out of the car (in the pouring rain) with only one boot on...

Me: You're missing a shoe!
Boy: I know!

And then he just ran into the building. I had to have closure so I emailed his teacher to ask if he'd brought other shoes in his backpack or something. Nope. Mom was en route with the other boot. I've been laughing and smiling about that all day.

And as if the day wasn't already awesome enough, look who
came to visit us out in the portable! It's Hazel the Rabbit.
She's one of 4 class pets in the fourth grade.

Drawing desserts in kindergarten...

Boy: This is my special mint cake!

One kindergarten class seems to be obsessed with the phrase, "can you give me a minute?" They like to say it and then put their heads under their tables...

Girl: Can you give me a minute?
Me: I'll give you all sorts of minutes.
Boy: Can you give me 85 minutes?
Me: 85? That's a lot of minutes.

Drawing desserts in first grade...

Boy: Can you draw me a cheesecake? I love cheesecake.

Dismissal Time...

M: He's saying I have a date!
Boy: He does.
Me: A date? Is it a hot date? Dinner and a movie? Oh, no wait, it's dancing. He's always dancing.
Another Teacher: Are you taking her dancing with the stars?
M: OK, I watch that movie every day.

Girl: I can stand on my hands for 10 hours.
Me: 10 hours? That seems like a long time.

One of the popular indoor recess activities is to play videos from the "Just Dance" video game on the projection screen for kids who want to play. I showed up to a kindergarten class early and noticed the girl who can stand on her hands for 10 hours was dancing to a Britney Spears song. I may or may not have run in the room and finished the song with her...

Obviously, Wellesley College doesn't
have a problem with women exercising
their First Ammendment rights.

I tell you what, when it rains it pours. Just yesterday (I think) I posted a link to a story of a teacher getting in trouble for saying something wildly moronic and what should I stumble upon today? Oh, just a story about a principal who tried to badmouth a student to the college she's already been accepted to because she spoke out against the abstinence-only school assembly they had. I'm serious, you can't make this up. Apparently the speaker (from a Christian organization) spouts pearls of wisdom such as:
  • If your mother gives you birth control, she probably hates you.
  • Condoms aren't safe.
  • Women who take birth control are 10 times more likely to contract an STD.

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