Saturday, August 24, 2013

Being a Teacher

There are no quotes in this post, just a few things about teaching in general. I found this on Facebook the other day and I had to share it on here.

I'm sure you're familiar with the Box Tops for Education program. Many of our students collect box tops and bring them in to raise money for our school. There are usually contests where the class that brings in the most box tops gets a pizza party or something like that. It's a really good program, but when you think about the fact that we have to have that program because our schools do not receive enough federal funding it's enough to make your brain explode. 

We could still get the kids to bring in box tops and give them to the prisons. Kids will do anything for a pizza party. Or stickers.

Speaking of raising money for our schools, why not go and vote for my school full of these hilarious kids at Give with Target. Guess what? You can vote every single day!

The last thing I wanted to share was this funny video that another teacher at my school had posted on her Facebook.

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