Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 6, 2013

I ran into Jay-Z this morning while waiting to walk into a fifth grade classroom. There was another teacher standing in the hallway with us and we had quite an interesting conversation...

Me: Hey, Jay-Z. What's up?
Jay-Z: Well, I'm thinking of making a movie. It's sort of an animated thing that's like half Minecraft and I'm thinking of using his [the other teacher's] voice for one of the guys. He's like a zombie and his brain is half dead.
Teacher: Well, I'm pretty sure my brain is half dead sometimes anyway.
Me: That sounds like a pretty sweet plan, Jay-Z.
Jay-Z: I'm thinking of using you as the voice of the Blaze Queen.
Me: Is she also half dead?
Jay-Z: No. She's really big. Like, tall. And she has a crown.
Me: I like the sounds of that. Lucky for you, I'm free.

My first graders were working on some number/counting activities and I overheard one of them counting at her table...

Girl: Uno, dos, tres, cwaco...
Everyone at table: Cwaco? It's cuatro.

On my way to third grade, I passed some second graders in the hallway and one of the girls started singing when she saw me...

Girl: Spaaaaanish teacher...puuuuuuurple hair.

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