Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10, 2013

2nd Grade Boy: My birthday is the same as the world's.

Me: The world's?

Boy: Yea. July 14. July 4, July 14.

Me: Oh, ok. Well July 4th is America's birthday.


2nd Grade Girl: Wanna see my new gloves?

Me: Sure.

Girl: Ta-Da!

Me: Wow! Those look very warm.

Girl: I'm never taking them outside.

Me: Why not?

Girl: So I don't lose them! I've already lost 2 gloves outside.

Me: Why do you keep taking your gloves off outside?

Girl: To play with!

Me: Oh...ok then.


While on my morning hall duty, I heard these kids coming up the stairs talking about kissing or something...

Me: What's this about kissing?

1st Grade Girl: Nothing!

Me: I heard you talking about kissing.

Girl: No, we weren't. We were just talking about what we did on our summer vacations.

Me: Summer vacations? In December? Uh-huh.

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