Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014

I don't really have background info for this one, it's just something I overheard...

2nd Grade Boy: I have a baby niece and she needs to get her claws cut.
Then he looked at me (I was sitting at my desk) and said this...
Boy: Oh, now I know why your name is Miss Black--it's because your computer is black.
Me: That is absolutely why my name is Miss Black.
Teacher: And her t-shirt is black.
Boy: That was my second guess.
Teacher: And her hair is black.
Boy: Yea. Wait, no it's not.
Teacher: Do you know what color her hair is called?
Boy: Blonde.
Boy 2: Like my hair. Blonde is kind of see-through.

First grade finances (while we were learning about countries where they speak Spanish)...

Girl: People in countries where they speak Spanish are poor.
Me: Umm, no. Some people are poor and some people are rich, just like in our country.
Girl: Oh. I just thought my friend told me that.
Boy: You know what, Miss Black? If all the countries in the world put all their money together, I bet we new Titanic.
Me: I bet we could.

Update on my Hawaiian vacation with a kindergarten boy...
Boy: You know what? I tricked you. We aren't going to Hawaii.
Me: WHAT?! I don't know what to think anymore! I can't believe this! How could you do this to me?
Boy: Well, but we can go to...McDonald's. They have a button that if you press it, it lights up.
Me: Let me tell you something, mister. You are so lucky that sounds just as amazing as a trip to Hawaii.
Boy: It's because they tore it down.
Me: They tore down Hawaii? How did I not hear about that?!

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