Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11, 2013

I had a few interesting interactions with a fifth grade girl today...

Girl: I like your smell. Some people don't smell right.
Me: Well, thanks.

Girl: You could fight her [another teacher].
Me: Umm...I'm not going to, but thanks.

A kindergarten boy comments on the high school student observing me for EBCE...

Boy: Miss Black, you have a sentist.
Me: I have a what?
Boy: A sentist.
Me: A sentence?
Boy: NO! You know, a person who helps you out.
Me: Ooohh, an assistant. Yes, I do.

Drawing fruits with kindergarteners...

Boy: I can draw a strawberry, silly! Guess what is my favorite food? Everything except pineapples. Pineapples hurt my mouth.

Girl: There's juice coming out of my watermelon... because I took a big bite out of it!

A first grader notices me checking my phone before class starts...

Girl: What are you doing with your phone? Texting? I bet you have a boyfriend.
Me: Yep, I do.

I pass by some first graders on the playground...

Boy 1: Hola, ¿Cómo estás?
Me: Hola.

Dismissal time...

M: Guess what? I got on purple today.
Me: Oh no, M! What happened?
Girl: He didn't. He's lying.
M: OK, I tricked you...I was on green.
Me: That's much better!
M: I want to marry this wall!
Me: Well good luck to you. I fully support that.

Girl: Guess what? My sister picked me up yesterday and I finally got to see her car.
Me: You'd never seen her car before? You know she lives with you, right?
Girl: Yea, but I'd never seen inside her car.

September 4, 2012     Fifth graders ask me about Dora...

Boy 1: Are you the voice of Dora?
Me: If I were the voice of Dora do you think I'd be here right now?
Boy 1: Yea, she teaches Spanish too.
Me: If I were the voice of Dora I'd be home right now, asleep. And then I'd be calling Diego and Boots saying, "Hey guys, let's hang out!"
Boy 2: I heard Dora is suing Nickelodeon.
Me: I know nothing about that. Dora and I never talk like we used to.

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