Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014

So far we've had one full week of school. Thanks to the Polar Vortex we've had a few snow days (like today and tomorrow) which is making it more difficult to get back into the swing of things. I have been writing down some student quotes though.

1st Grade Boy: I need to take a hip hop class.

4th Grade Boy: There's no such thing as robots.

5th Grade Boy: What color is Washington state?
Me: Color? It doesn't have a specific color. It's colored like all the other states.

New 5th Grade Girl: I don't have the Beiber Fever.
Me: I like her already.

Me: Who's ever heard anything about the Aztec, Inca, or Maya?
4th Grade Boy: Why is everything made in China?
Me: Because it's cheap labor. That's not what we're talking about.
4th Grade Girl: Is it really made in China?
Me: Yes. It doesn't just say that on there for fun.

Me: Some people make new year's resolutions...
3rd Grade Boy: Yea, but they're all a throne of lies.

Teacher: If you're tired, then maybe you should go to bed earlier.
1st Grade Girl: I can't I gotta watch my shows.
Me: Well, at least she didn't say "my stories".

2nd Grade Boy: That hat we made [the what I want from Santa crown] was wrong. I wrote that I wanted a kazillion dollars and Santa didn't bring it to me.

3rd Grade Boy: You know there are some dinosaurs that are still alive? Birds are dinosaurs.
Teacher: That's right. Birds are descendants of dinosaurs.
Boy: What are bats? Bats?
Teacher: Yes, bats are bats.

Me: Let's not argue about the date. We can do that later.
1st Grade Boy: Yea, let's argue at home guys. We can text each other.

I'm still not sure if this first grade boy was talking to me or not...

Boy: If they do have the legos in the blue packs, I definitely need more scarecrows.

3rd Grade Boy 1: It was God's birthday on Christmas. He's 1,000 years old.
Boy 2: I forget, if you swallow the Baby Jesus [in the King's Cake], is it bad luck?
Me: I don't know about bad luck but you're certainly going to have a bad time.
Boy 3: Is Jesus married? He's 10 billion thousand years old.
Me: I'm not aware of him being married, but you should talk to that kid over there because he said he's 1,000 years old.

Me: So, the shoe [drawings] on this paper are kind of silly looking but I wanted to make ones that had enough room for you to draw lots of presents from the Wise Men. You can make yours any color, mine are just brown...they're kind of boring and ugly.
3rd Grade Boy: They look like shoes you'd wear.
Me: Well thanks.

Teacher: You're from Louisiana, did you eat typical Louisiana food?
3rd Grade Girl: Yea. (she starts listing off food) crawdads, chicken, Burger King.
Me: Ah yes, Burger King, the most traditional Louisiana food.

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