Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14, 2013

Aaaand we're back! Today was the first day of school, which means my quote blog is back in full force. I had a brilliant idea this year: rather than struggle through the class roster, I decided to teach my students the phrase "my name is..." and have them introduce themselves to the class so I'd know exactly how to pronounce their names.
In one kindergarten class, I ran across the issue of several students who were unable to distinguish between their actual name and the nickname or pet name that their parents have for them at home. And none of them were remotely close to their actual names, which I've put in parentheses.
  • Forrest (Dallas)
  • Totsey (Addison)
  • Juddin (Joel)
Most of the day was devoted to reviewing expectations and things of that nature. We'd go over an expectation and then I'd ask for examples of how to exhibit that expectation in Spanish class. Somehow, in one first grade class "respect yourself and others" turned into helping people.

Boy: This one time, there was a baby and it fell into a pool and it went to the bottom and I dove into the very bottom like 6 feet and I saved it.
Me: Wow. That's intense. Let's hope we never encounter that situation in Spanish class.

Another thing we discussed was why it was learning Spanish is a good idea...

Second Grade Boy: You could grow up to be Spanish.
Me: Well, that would be impressive.

After dismissal I was catching up with a first grader...

Girl: I wanna see how tall I am compared to you. I'm going to be as tall as you by the time I'm 10. Or 11.
Me: Hey, how's your pet pig?
Girl: He got sick and died.
Me: Oh no! Are you going to get a replacement pig?
Girl: What's that?
Me: A new pig.
Girl: Oh, no. I just have a dog and a cat. But my dad says he's going to kill the cat because it wakes him up.
Me: Well, if I ever heard a reason to kill a cat, that seems like a good one.

At the end of the day I ran into my little buddy from last year who always showed me his new shirts. He's in first grade now. He was wearing a white polo today.
Me: Are you wearing a new shirt today?
Boy: Yea.
Me: I like it!
Boy: It's just white.
Me: Yea, but you're stylin'!

I also had to walk a third grade boy to the front office because no one showed up to pick him up. We went to call home but things were a bit hectic so we had to wait a few minutes.

Boy: What's the phone number for my house?
Me: I don't know.
Boy: Why not?
Me: Because I don't live there. Why don't you know it?
Boy: I don't have a phone, why would I need to know it?
Me: How about for situations like this one?

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